
Support and documentation

Getting started

This guide will help you implement C2 in your organization and take control over your computing resources.

Configuring and using C2 is easy. Since C2 is a cloud-based platform, there are no servers to provision, no software to maintain and no databases to admin.

Any questions?

If you have queries, we’re here to help. You can search our online knowledge base, which includes answers to the most frequently asked technical questions, or visit the general FAQ section.

You can also contact our support team by sending us an online support ticket. We will get back to you quickly to answer all your questions and requests.

Before you start

Here’s a quick setup guide to help you through the initial installation process. A few things to note before starting your tests:

  • When you start your test, you’re automatically added as the first client (applicant) and as the first resource (agent or technician).
  • A list of web forms is already included. In other words, a service catalog template is available and represents your service offering. The C2 software structure is specified below.
  • A list of devices and assets is included by default. Under the CMDB menu, you’ll have access to a basic, editable inventory template.
  • Please note the test gives you access to the entire application except for the report module (generic and customized). If you want to delve deeper into the metrics and reports, you can request a free personalized demo.

Understanding the structure

Here’s the suggested initial structure:

Company: Following your registration, you specify the name of the company or your organization and choose the default language.

Service catalog: A catalog must be associated with your business so that all your customers can access associated requests. The catalog includes the application forms and the tasks associated with its requests. A test catalog is available with its associated requests.

Request forms: The forms are managed in the Service Catalog from the Requests manager.

Task templates: You can also create task templates that will be used in request workflows from the Service Catalog/Task menu.

Preparing your C2 environment

Initial configurations will allow you to get started with an environment that can support your day-to-day operations. By importing your technical agents, clients and inventory items, you’ll be able to base your tests on real-world scenarios.

Create custom fields

Before configuring the request forms, look at the various custom fields available. Creating these custom fields allows you to add more information to a request and contextualize the forms as needed.

Manually add your customers (your future users)

Customers are the end users of the application. Associate a company with each customer to give them access to the catalogs or specify a custom catalog. It’s also possible to approve or deny access to a self-service portal.

Or import your requestors/customers

Under the Management menu, import customers through the Imports submenu. Download the template and add your data.

Please note the following:

  • You must not change the names of the columns in the Excel file.
  • To avoid problems with numbers, change the format of the columns to text mode. This will avoid Excel formatting of digits. Otherwise, use a text editor.
  • You must save the CSV file in UTF-8 mode.
  • To avoid errors, please test with one or two customers first to validate your import.
Import your CIs (inventory items & assets)

You can create inventory items manually or by importing .CSV files under the Management/Imports menu.

Add resources (your future administrators)

The resources correspond to the users of the C2 service management platform. These are responsible for managing tickets and supporting customers with their requests.

To create a resource, it’s necessary to fill in the basic information and assign to it a company as well as a security group. During your free trial, you’re automatically the first resource and get associated with the administrator groups below.

Configure email integration

You must first configure IMAP and SMTP and associate a default request with the email account. Then, please attach a safe receipt template that will be automatically sent to the sender of the email.

Finally, enter the email account address and a custom email tag to save the emails in the tickets.

Add or modify departments

To add requests from other departments (human resources, finance, purchasing, operations), you can filter your service catalog.

Manage security groups

You can manage security groups and their member resources in the Management/Groups menu. By selecting a group, you can edit the members, queues, e-mail templates, visible groups, and what features they will have access to.

By default, there are two groups in C2.

  • Admin group: This group has all access and rights in the C2 application. The Admin group is not editable.
  • Resources group: This group has most of the rights, but this can be modified as needed.
Set up the portal

The self-service portal is customizable. You can modify the logo, titles and messages displayed on the portal, activate certain fields on your new incident or service request forms.

Create your first request

Create your first ticket in the top bar by selecting the customer’s name and choosing a request from the drop-down menu.

Security and conformity

We know you care about data security and compliance standards. C2 has been built around a secure, multitenant network architecture hosted in fully compliant third-party environment.

With robust product security features, redundant architecture, daily back-ups and continuous monitoring potential, your clients’ data and yours is safe with us. We deliver flexible, intuitive and efficient service desk hosted solutions exceeding industry best practices.

Perimeter security

  • A secure, multitenant network architecture
  • Active performance and availability monitoring of all data centers 24x7x365
  • Encrypted data at rest
  • DDOS mitigation technologies
  • SSAE 16 SOC 2 Type II compliant data centers

Application security

  • Role-based application security with flexible single sign-on
  • Restricted IP access and database patching
  • Customized password complexity
  • Roles and permissions
  • Audit logging and event alerting

Network security

  • Secure network architecture
  • Layered redundancy
  • Firewall and boundary
  • Network security scanning
  • Security incident event management system
  • Resilient, dense network access
  • Regular audits and intrusion detection
  • Systems security monitoring 24x7x365

Physical security

  • Top connectivity provider with compliant facilities
  • Relentless data center infrastructure with superior redundancy
  • DCIM platform to continually monitor service to ensure business continuity
  • 24/7 customer support
  • PCI DSS Level 1 compliant
  • ISO 27001 certificate

Transmission security

  • Access point via HTTP or HTTPS using SSL
  • 2048-bit SSL Secure Sockets Layer with TLS Encryption
  • Solid vetting to ensure strong authentication
  • Full data protection
  • Additional safeguards protection
  • Advanced practices that help protect users while they access web portal and mobile app

Access control

  • Access rights and authentication control
  • Granular access privileges
  • Customer data segregation
  • Network IP restrictions
  • User identity credentials
  • Qualified security tools to review potential harmful vulnerabilities
  • Dedicated, experienced security team

We support and protect thousands of users every month. From development to management and security, C2 works with organizations and partners to provide efficient service desk across mobile, private and public cloud.

Service levels

Our support team responds to your queries using our own C2 solution. We recognize the importance of such support, and we provide quality service beyond industry standards.

Incident management

  • Our customer service center is available 24/7/365.
  • Other communication channels:
  • We contact customers within SIXTY (60) MINUTES of receiving their request for issues with a critical/high/medium impact, as described below in the Escalation procedure.

Problem management

  • A problem is created from an incident and is then managed by the development team.
  • C2 can rectify the issue at its offices or connect remotely to the client within the time frames described below in the Escalation procedure.

Escalation procedure

C2 conforms to industry standard SLA best practices. Please contact us for more details.

Request for change management

  • Customers can request improvements/modifications through the phone, email or portal. A dedicated request form is available on the portal.
  • C2 will analyze the request for change and communicate the needs and expectations with the client.
  • The request will then be evaluated.
  • Once the required efforts are mapped out, C2 will schedule the request by adding it to the roadmap for new development and a delivery date will be given to the client.
  • The client can then follow the request for change from the portal and contact C2 for any questions.


  • C2 can rectify the issue at its offices or connect remotely to the client.
  • C2 also offers the services of a team of analysts for all simple/advanced configurations.


We do not monitor our solution on our customers’ infrastructure. It is the responsibility of our customers to monitor their system and submit any issues to us as soon as possible to initiate the support process.

Create a ticket

This API will allow you to create a new ticket in the application.



Request type


URL parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: password of the resource running the API call.



Successful Response Codes

  • Code of the HTML: 200.
  • JSON Response Code: “Status”:0″

Call example (with custom fields)




  "Summary":"Exemple de demande 1",

Response Answer (without custom fields)




  "Summary":"Exemple de demande 1",

Call Example (with custom fields, section « CustomFields »)


   "Summary":"Exemple de demande 1",

Response Example (with custom fields, section « CustomFields »)

   "EnterpriseName":"Selenium Tests",
   "CategoryName":"Exemple de Categorie",
   "ServiceName":"Exemple de Service 1",
   "RequestName":"Exemple de demande 1",
   "Summary":"Exemple de demande 1",
         "FullName":"Selenium Tests",
         "FullName":"Client API",
         "EnterpriseName":"Selenium Tests",
         "value":"Client API"

            "Name":"CF Checkbox",

            "Name":"CF Decimal",

            "Name":"CF Client",

            "Name":"CF Datetime",

            "EnglishName":"Additional Information",
            "FrenchName":"Informations additionnelles",

         "Summary":"Exemple de tache",

", "Status":null, "Queue":null, "DueDate":null, "AssignedResources":null, "PrincipalResource":null, "PrincipalApprover":null, "IsReady":true, "IsBlocking":true, "IsDone":false, "IsApproval":false, "IsTask":false, "IsDraft":false, "ParentId":null, "SubWorkflows":[ ], "ParentConditionResult":null, "ConditionResult":null, "ConditionGroups":[ ], "Actions":[ ], "NameId":null, "Name":"", "EnglishName":"", "FrenchName":"" } ], "Attachments":{ "NoAttachments":true, "TicketNumber":"00012672", "TicketId":"d32e3e93-d23e-434f-ab19-b8164b5ff901", "Records":[ ] }, "IsReadonly":false, "IsPublic":false, "IsLocked":false, "LockedBy":null, "LockedSince":null, "IsClosedTicket":false, "IsTicket":true, "ResponseDate":"/Date(1530802445300)/", "DueDate":"/Date(1530802445300)/", "SelectedDueDate":null, "ReactivationDate":null, "FirstAssignationDate":"/Date(1530802445300)/", "TakingChargeDate":null, "ResolutionDate":null, "ClosedDateTime":null, "ImplementationDate":null, "PriorisationDate":null, "PrioritySequenceNumber":null, "PriorityName":"", "CreatedOn":"/Date(1530802445300)/", "CreatedBy":"admin", "LastModifiedOn":"/Date(1530802445300)/", "LastModifiedBy":"admin", "ClosedBy":null, "Duration":"0.00:00:00", "EstimatedDuration":"0.00:00:00", "TotalDuration":"0.00:00:00", "DifferenceDuration":"0.00:00:00", "ClientRoleId":null, "ClosingReasonId":null, "BusinessServiceId":null, "ParentTicketId":null, "ParentTicketNumber":null, "ParentTicketTypeId":null, "ParentTicketRequestId":null, "PriorityId":null, "UrgencyId":null, "ImpactId":null, "LevelId":null, "KBItemId":null, "KBItemName":"", "TechnicalResolution":null, "ClientResolution":null, "ResolutionTypeId":null, "WorkflowId":null, "WorkflowParentId":null, "WorkflowParentConditionResult":null, "ExternalId":null, "SequenceNumber":12672, "Cost":0, "Price":0, "ResponseTime":0, "ResponseTimeUnit":0, "ResolutionTime":0, "ResolutionTimeUnit":0, "WorkingHours247":false, "Step":null, "IsReady":true, "TaskTemplateId":null, "ApprovalDate":null, "ReasonForRejection":null, "IsSurveyCompleted":false, "IsCalendarFullDay":false, "CalendarStartDate":null, "CalendarEndDate":null, "CopiedFromSequenceNumber":null, "IsDraft":false, "WasDraft":false, "ResponseWaitingTime":0, "DueDateWaitingTime":0, "IncludeClientAssignation":false, "UnreadCommunicationsCount":0, "CommunicationsCount":0 }, "Message":null, "Time":"/Date(1530802445954)/" }


The resource that executes the API call must have permission to create tickets in the application.

Update a ticket



Request type


URL parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: password of the resource running the API call.



Successful response code

  • HTML code: 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0″

Call example (system field)

Parameters passed in the call

  • “Id”: the ticket ID.
  • “PropertyName”: the name of the system field to update.
  • “Value”: the new value of the system field.
"Value":"New Summary",

Call Example (system field)


Call Example (custom field)

Parameters passed in the call:

  • “Id”: the Ticket ID.
  • “CustomFieldSequenceNumber”: The sequence number of the custom field to update.

“Value”: the new value of the custom field.

Response example (custom field)



The resource that executes the API call must have permission to edit tickets in the application.

Create a client

API – How to create a client

This API allows you to create a new client in the application.



Request Type


Successful response codes

  • Code of the HTML : 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0″

Call example (without custom fields)

  "FirstName":"<Client First Name>",
  "LastName":"<Client Last Name>"
"UserName":"<your user name>",
"Password":"<your password>"

High-level parameters for the query

  • Username : the name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password : password of the resource running the API call.
  • viewModel : contains the elements of the query.

Attribute table for a client query (under “viewModel”)

Required Attribute Description Default value Possible value
x Entreprise list of companies associated with the client
x FirstName client’s first name
x LastName client’s last name
IsActive the client is active true true / false
HasPortalAccess the client can use the portal (UserName is required) false true / false
PreferedCulture the language the client uses at the portal fr-CA / en-US
StreetName client’s address null
City client’s city null
PostalCode client zip code null
OfficePhone office phone number null
CountryId country identification number null
Gender client’s gender M / F
EmailAddress client’s email
UserName the username to access the portal

The Enterprise attribute

In the “Enterprise” attribute, only the company identifier is required to make the request


It is also possible to associate several entries to a client.

    "Id":"<EnterpriseId 1>"
    "Id":"<EnterpriseId 2>"
    "Id":"<EnterpriseId n>"

Add the “CustomFields” attribute inside the “viewModel”

Call example (with custom fields, “CustomFields” section)


  "FirstName":"<Client First Name>",
  "LastName":"<Client Last Nam>>"
"UserName":"<your user name>",
"Password":"<your passwor>"

For more information on adding a set of custom fields, see API – How to add a custom field section in a query.


The resource that executes the API call must have permission to create clients in the application.

Update a client



Request type


URL parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: password of the resource running the API call.



Successful response codes

  • HTML code: 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0″

Call example (system field)

Parameters passed in the call

  • “Id”: the client ID.
  • “PropertyName”: the system field to update.

“Value”: the new value of the system field.


Response Example (system field)

  "Message":"Client API",



Call Example (custom field)


Response Example (custom field)

  "Message":"Client2 API",
          "Name":"CF Checkbox",

          "Name":"CF Decimal",

          "Name":"CF Client",

          "Name":"CF Datetime",

          "EnglishName":"Additional Information",
          "FrenchName":"Informations additionnelles",


The resource that executes the API call must have permission to edit clients in the application.

Create a CI

This API will allow you to create a new client in the application.



Request type


URL parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: password of the resource running the API call.



Successful response codes

  • Code of the HTML: 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0″

Call Example (without custom fields)


Response Example (without custom fields)


Call Example (with custom fields, section « CustomFields »)


Response Example (with custom fields, section « CustomFields »)

{"Status":0,"Data":{"StateId":"3b302329-5610-4ee4-97e9-e8590be84b63","OwnerId":null,"OwnerName":null,"Attachments":[],"CINumber":"00000011","Id":"ca0f63eb-380a-4c45-af17-3490783a663e","SequenceNumber":"00000222","Message":null,"ParentId":null,"HasPortalAccess":false,"UserName":null,"CustomFields":{"Fields":[{"Id":"75c2c18d-05d6-4721-a2ea-3d715ced8e23","Order":0,"Value":"True","Description":null,"Name":"CF Checkbox","FieldSectionId":"ced377b7-ea01-fcd2-2703-59de30ac9d7f","DefinitionId":"e85a893b-6ad3-45a5-a433-0f0f4ee6379b","DefinitionType":8,"DefinitionSequenceNumber":3,"ListId":null,"IsRequired":false,"IsReadOnly":false,"IsReadOnlyIfHasValue":false,"IsSecured":false,"CaseSensitivity":0,"InputMask":null,"MaxLength":null,"HasTimestampTag":false,"HasHtmlSupport":true,"NbLinesHeight":null,"DisplayName":"True","HasFilters":false,"HasFormFilters":false,"RequiredIfDefinitionId":null,"RequiredIfBindingName":null,"RequiredIfValue":null,"BindingNavigationFieldId":null,"BindingField":null,"Options":null,"TextColor":null,"BackgroundColor":null,"ImpactMessage":null,"Row":null,"Column":null,"GridId":null,"IsActive":false,"Target":null,"IsEncrypted":false,"Cells":null,"NotReadOnlyGroups":[]},{"Id":"32aaaf40-7678-4a1b-893e-5a666992c932","Order":1,"Value":"123.450000","Description":null,"Name":"CF 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Client","FieldSectionId":"ced377b7-ea01-fcd2-2703-59de30ac9d7f","DefinitionId":"4e6d36ce-cb2a-46cd-ab73-1440cb71efa9","DefinitionType":6,"DefinitionSequenceNumber":5,"ListId":null,"IsRequired":false,"IsReadOnly":false,"IsReadOnlyIfHasValue":false,"IsSecured":false,"CaseSensitivity":0,"InputMask":null,"MaxLength":null,"HasTimestampTag":false,"HasHtmlSupport":true,"NbLinesHeight":null,"DisplayName":"Client1 Client1","HasFilters":false,"HasFormFilters":false,"RequiredIfDefinitionId":null,"RequiredIfBindingName":null,"RequiredIfValue":null,"BindingNavigationFieldId":null,"BindingField":null,"Options":null,"TextColor":null,"BackgroundColor":null,"ImpactMessage":null,"Row":null,"Column":null,"GridId":null,"IsActive":true,"Target":null,"IsEncrypted":false,"Cells":null,"NotReadOnlyGroups":[]},{"Id":"c2736049-9f3d-44f1-8cc1-2138b995c83c","Order":3,"Value":"2018-07-04T04:00:00.0000000Z","Description":null,"Name":"CF 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AM","HasFilters":false,"HasFormFilters":false,"RequiredIfDefinitionId":null,"RequiredIfBindingName":null,"RequiredIfValue":null,"BindingNavigationFieldId":null,"BindingField":null,"Options":null,"TextColor":null,"BackgroundColor":null,"ImpactMessage":null,"Row":null,"Column":null,"GridId":null,"IsActive":false,"Target":null,"IsEncrypted":false,"Cells":null,"NotReadOnlyGroups":[]}],"Sections":[{"IsPublic":true,"OverrideOptions":false,"Order":1,"VisibleIfFieldDefinitionId":null,"VisibleIfFieldValue":null,"FieldSectionTemplateId":null,"FromTemplate":false,"Rows":[{"Order":0,"Cells":[{"DefinitionId":"e85a893b-6ad3-45a5-a433-0f0f4ee6379b"},{"DefinitionId":"b13533a8-f807-499f-a55e-319023909727"},{"DefinitionId":"4e6d36ce-cb2a-46cd-ab73-1440cb71efa9"},{"DefinitionId":"a6d54b8d-867a-4ef6-a4de-d3d1986f0577"}]}],"EnglishName":"Additional Information","FrenchName":"Informations additionnelles","EnglishDescription":"","FrenchDescription":"","NameId":"8a7fc779-8f8c-aa8f-6a13-068fa0c931de","DescriptionId":"8cd414da-37ff-d618-5eec-45069a96abf1","ImagePath":"/C2ATOM/Content/catalogimages/catalog_other.png","IsActive":true,"IsDeleted":false,"SequenceNumber":"00000028","CreatedBy":"selenium-tests@c2enterprise.com","CreatedDateTime":"\/Date(1530719174890)\/","LastModifiedBy":"selenium-tests@c2enterprise.com","LastModifiedDateTime":"\/Date(1530719174890)\/","Id":"ced377b7-ea01-fcd2-2703-59de30ac9d7f"}]},"NameId":"42cd9703-49a3-4534-858c-3fed260c36ed","DescriptionId":"3bf98102-b793-48e6-a4f4-c0a25ea82041","Data":null,"ExternalId":null},"Message":null,"Time":"\/Date(1530719213516)\/"}


The resource that executes the API call must have permission to create CIs in the application.

Update a CI

This API allows you to update a ticket in the application.



Request type


URL parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: name of the resource running the API call.



Successful response codes

  • HTML code: 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0,”

Call Example (system field)

Parameters passed in the call

  • “Id”: the CI Id.
  • “PropertyName”: the name of the system field to update.
  • “Value”: the new value of the system field.

This API allows you to update a ticket in the application.



Request Type


URL Parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: name of the resource running the API call.



Parameters passed in the call

  • Id”: the CI Id.
  • PropertyName”: the name of the system field to update.
  • Value”: the new value of the system field.

This API allows you to update a ticket in the application.



Request Type


URL Parameters

  • Username: name of the resource running the API call.
  • Password: name of the resource running the API call.



Successful Response Codes

  • HTML code: 200.
  • JSON response code: “Status”:0,”

Call Example (system field)

Parameters passed in the call

  • “Id”: the CI Id.
  • “PropertyName”: the name of the system field to update.
  • “Value”: the new value of the system field.

Response Example (system field)

    "Name":"CI API",
            "Name":"CF Checkbox",

            "Name":"CF Decimal",

            "Name":"CF Client",

            "Name":"CF Datetime",

            "EnglishName":"Additional Information",
            "FrenchName":"Informations additionnelles",



    "EnglishName":"CI API",
    "FrenchName":"CI API",

Call Example (custom field)


Response Example (custom field)

    "Name":"CI API2",
            "Name":"CF Checkbox",

            "Name":"CF Decimal",

            "Name":"CF Client",
            "DisplayName":"Client1 Client1",

            "Name":"CF Datetime",
            "DisplayName":"7/4/2018 12:00:00 AM",

            "EnglishName":"Additional Information",
            "FrenchName":"Informations additionnelles",



    "EnglishName":"CI API2",
    "FrenchName":"CI API2",


The resource that executes the API call must have permission to edit CIs in the application.

More questions? Give us a shout.

Contact us

Unpack all the benefits of robust IT service management

Shape your long-term success with customer-centric services—at an accessible price point. Discover the power of C2.

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Unpack all the benefits of robust IT service management
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